Wednesday 21 July 2010

"Farming" Heroes

Heroes with the best attributes can be hard to find, but here is a little tip to get some nice juicy ones really fast.

Once you have a Inn in your city, DO NOT upgrade it.

The reason for this is that the higher the level your Inn is, the higher the level of heroes are presented for hire. The higher the level of hero, the more gold it costs to recruit him/her.

Keeping your Inn at level 1 guarantees that only heros of level 9 and below are made available for hire, costing you 9000 Gold MAX per hero.
  • Click on the Inn
  • Hire the 1 hero that is shown
  • Close the Inn
  • Re-open the Inn (the Inn's contents have been refreshed and there is a new hero there for you to hire)
  • Repeat this process (1 to 4) until you reach the maximum hero capacity your Feasting Hall can hold (Feasting Hall level 9 or 10 being the better option)

Once your Hall is full, start dismissing all the heroes that do not meet up to your standards.
Heroes that are really nice can be moved to another city for safekeeping. This frees up a slot in your hall, again.

Repeat the above steps, until you have a multitude of beefy heroes at your beck-and-call.

To give a hero the best start in life you will need to find one that has a high starting value in a particular attribute of concern. Common heroes for hire have a max 'base' value of 70 for any of these attributes.

The 'base' value is worked out as follows...

base = (current attribute value - (hero level - 1))
Eg: a level 7 hero with a shown politics value of 53 has a base of 47 politics.

So, we are looking for hero to hire that has a base of 68 or more, to give it the best chance of maximum development.

Here is a video tutorial that explains things much clearer (i hope!). Best watched on YouTube in 720HD