Tuesday 10 August 2010

The DropRate buff CHEAT !!!

Here is a really fast way to get your drop rate maxxed in the fastest possible way....

You will need:
  • Someone who is willing to be suzerained by you (hint: a fake account).
  • That person (fake) must have enough resources to make 400 cities (the max needed).
  • That person (fake) must make a temporary alliance and declare themselves as HOSTILE against your alliance.
The fake person makes a colony. Builds a rally spot in it (speed built) and gets his workers to a safe place for later on (back to where they came from!). The city should now be empty!

You attack the city with your fastest hero and 1 scout.

You win, and the suppression begins.

At this point your Colonize Achievement registers that +1 colony has been done.

The "fake" person then deletes that colony, and the hero and scout return automatically.


The downside to this is, that the abandonned city remains there, as is, until the server maintenance is performed, when it is then removed from the map and becomes a flat again.

For optimum (cheapest) results I suggest taking low level flats and making these into the cities on subject.